This following post is my comment to my son's rhetorical question that he has posed on his blog. Some of his friends are asking Mikael if his faith in Jesus Christ makes a difference in his life. That's a good and insightful question, and Mikael has answered very appropriately on his own. My comment to his post is to affirm his belief and to support his courage in believing.
- Jesus is the only God who, I know of, comes down from His heavenly throne to my earthly level by demonstrating His true humanity and genuine humility.
- Jesus is the only God who is both love and justice personified. By the standard of justice, I ought to have been totally separated from this loving and sinless God because God and sin are mutually exclusive. But, He is also a God of incomprehensible love for me and you. How does our God reconcile these two qualities? He sacrificed Himself to suffer and die on the cross for me where I ought to have been nailed. To love me and to administer justice, God took my place and carried on Himself my sins and ailments (Isaiah). What an awesome God Jesus is! No other god of any other religion has done that; or would ever do that for me.
- Jesus died to give me what I do not deserve: eternal life and His blessings. That's called GRACE. Instead, Jesus forgives me for what I DO deserve: death and eternal punishment for my sins. That's called MERCY. Which god dispenses grace and mercy like Jesus?
- Jesus, though Creator, King, Everlasting God, is also my Saviour, Redeemer (in redeeming my sin-debts), Forever-Friend, and the best of Fathers who parents me, watches over me, and tailor-makes a plan for my life.
- Jesus teaches me to hate sin, but, love the sinner. He also reminds me that none of us is sinless; only Christ is. However, the way Jesus dispenses His grace and mercy on me makes me feel as if I am made just, pure as snow (Psalm). That's what is meant by JUSTIFIED (as if I am made just and righteous again).
- Jesus forgives whenever we repent our sins. He reassures me that there is no condemnation in Him for those who loves Him and follows Him.
- Jesus is not about religion. In fact, He fought religion while He was walking this earth. Jesus is about doing His Father's will. Thus, as we are supposed to be Christian ("Little Christs"), we ought to reflect a glimmer of His light as His followers and ambassadors. Therefore Jesus is not concerned so much about we going to church and doing "churchy" things as much as about we being His church wherever we go. Do I represent Him as His church on earth? Someone else puts it this way: If I were put on trial in a court of law for being a Christian, a follower of Jesus, do they have enough evidence to convict me? That's the kind of acid test that I should subscribe to.
- Jesus cares about the poor, the disenfranchised, the marginalized, the weak, widowed, fatherless, the sinners, and the homeless.
- Jesus teaches us that His is an upside-down Kingdom where the poor is rich, the powerful is weak and powerless, and the first is the last. He teaches and practises social equity.
- Jesus, by His life, shows us what true leadership is like: that He would roll up His sleeve and become a servant of all by washing our feet and by stepping up to the plate and substituting for me at my death sentence. Wow! What kind of God is our Jesus? He is the only true God. Case closed and Amen.
To Mikael from Dad
December 30, 2008
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