I have an untamed and untamable spirit. I do not fit into any mold because either I am wired differently or I freely elect not to conform.
I am untamed and undomesticated in how I morally react to daily situations that come my way.
When I sense that a seemingly impassioned yet misguided appeal, an authoritative command, a bureaucratic order, a “do-as-I-say” edict, or a forceful presentation of a point-of-view is false, faked, insincere, hypocritical, or lop-sided, I rebel. I defy. I challenge.
In that sense, I am dangerous. Yes. Foolishly head-strong as well.
I have an unbridled and unbridle-able will. I have a propensity to defy and challenge any threat and/or use of force, be they physical, emotional, spiritual, moral, legal, or authoritative.
When any organization/collective, be it private, public, or governmental, that purports to watch out for the welfare of its members but, when in effect, is self-serving in protecting incompetence, dishonesty, and corruption, I would be driven wild.

I have a sensitive and uncontrollable heart. I am trigger-happy when it comes to responding to any external and internal stimuli that vibrate along my heart-string, be they situational, personal, or mystical.
Though I am sensitive to matters of the heart, I, unfortunately, have been culturally schooled to cocoon the natural expressions of my heart for the most part. It’s only in the past seven years or so when the Spirit began to marinate and tenderize the hardness of my core.
When I rented the video, “Tuesdays with Morey”, and engineered, after several failed attempts, to gather my family together to view it while I sobbed uncontrollably to the horror of my boys, I knew I was in “deep trouble”. My heart expressions are no longer uncontrollable. A revelatory metamorphosis has taken place in me.
When it comes to living in my spirit realm, I am untamed and untamable as well.
One would see me worship in wild abandon, totally ignoring and oblivious to the possibility of curious on-lookers.
My stomach turns at the word "religion"or being described as “religious”. I am not at all more spiritual than anyone else. I just let my passion loose.
I am not a Mennonite, a Baptist, an Ana-Baptist, an evangelical, a Presbyterian, a Roman Catholic, an Orthodox Catholic, A Pentecostal, a charismatic, an Anglican, A United, a Lutheran, a fundamentalist Protestant, a Seventh-Day Adventist, a Latter-day Saint, a Jehovah Witness, a Unitarian, a Christian Scientist, a Double-0 Seven, a C.S.I., an alley cat, or even a mouse.
I defy any label.
I am simply a follower of Jesus Christ, and I hope, along the pathway for the remainder of my life, I may gather some dust thrown off from His sandals by following Him.
I do not belong to any church, any congregation, or any community of believers. I hold no covenant membership card to any faith institution/organization. I belong to God alone.
I am God's beloved child whose life eternal resides solely in His love and grace... a redeemed citizen of God’s Kingdom, His ambassador while I live, and a humble follower of His Truth. No more. No less.
I hold His Kingdom passport with His imprimatur on it, and that's sufficient for me.
Because I am God’s own, and only to Him do I owe my love and allegiance, I am not fearful of anyone or anything that impacts this earthly vessel.
First Century giants of faith were thrown to the lions, boiled in oil, sawn asunder, quartered, dismembered, decapitated, crucified, and tortured to death because they were untamed and dangerous.
Guess what? They maintained their course and ran their race.
I pray that like them, when the time comes when my faith is put to the test, I will be emboldened to stand firm and be very dangerous.
“You come against me with swords and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty…” 1 Samuel 17: 45
“If God is for us, who can be against us?... In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loves us.” Romans 8: 31.
In God's Kingdom, I am a barbarian like John the Baptist, wild at heart and dangerous.
Hey Tom...is that you in the skirt and long locks??
Great writing! I noticed you added pics. Look good.
well said, Tom.
very well said.
from beth
Sorry Tom but I have to disagree with your "boasting". "Wild and Untame?" Maybe to the secular world but to those who really know you "caring and gentle" possibly to the point of being "humble". Me thinks you may be writing about someone else!
More to come!
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