Saturday, February 9, 2008


I pride myself as a writer. But, I suck at technology. This a Tombeginning, suggested and assisted (Big time!) by my wife. This blog will serve as my musing in and about life.

There will be frivolous moments, poignant ponders, funny (as only I may see it) tidbits, and, at times, outrageous ravings about the world in which we live.

I shall begin journalling when I become more at ease with this 21st Century message in a bottle.


Ronstime said...

Hi Tom !

Excellent musings!
You are a talented writter.
I like what you have to say !
You are definitely on the Path !
You are living in the Tao !
Keep up the good work !

Namaste !

Ron Sidoryk

Shezza Ansloos said...

Welcome to the world of Blogging. You will love it. I am looking forward to reading the rest.