Sunday, February 10, 2008


This world proffers and offers an over-abundance of information.

I am fed and equally responsible for self-feeding with information all the time.

However, as I have discovered, it's not information that I need in life, but revelation.

Revelation is the "Ah Ha!" moment when the head and the heart connect; when the incomprehesible becomes as plain as day.

I never knew that, although Adam had sadly thrown it away at the Fall, Jesus, our Redeemer, has re-claimed the God-given authority for each one of us who believes in Him.

It is by this same authority that Jesus' victory is implemented and enforced on earth.

What authority?

Remember that God created man in His image?

Man's likeness with his Creator-God included being gifted with and given His divine authority.

However, not only did the Fall cost us eternal relationship with God, it cost us the authority that God has given us to have dominion over the earth in the first place.

God, in His eternal wisdom, had a Plan B... the Salvation/Redemption Plan.

God loves us so much that He cannot bear having the Parent-Child relationship severed forever. So, He gave His all, His Son, Jesus Christ (His One-Man S.W.A.T. Team) in exchange for us.

That's the story of the Cross... and the Victory of the Cross!

Jesus went through physical, mental, emotional, spiritual anguish and suffering to re-establish our relationship with God and to re-capture for us His authority to do Kingdom work on earth as His representatives.

Jesus has won total victory for us, over sin, illnesses, danger, bondage, strongholds, and even death.

All we need to do, in our communications with God, is to seek His blessings of protection, healing, forgiveness, mercy, grace, joy, love, hope and His ever-comforting-presence by invoking His authority and enforcing His victory won 2000 years ago on the Cross.

By the same authority, we are empowered to cast out evil influences in our lives, be they addictions, strongholds, fears, sicknesses, disabilities, iniquities and sins.

What Christ has accomplished on the Cross is awesome and powerful! Amen.

How and when are insights revealed?

Listen to His still, small voice.

Keenly observe God's presence in daily happenings.

I began, a while back, a log of "God Sightings". Anything that has the nature of God (The nature of God is His incomprehensible GOODNESS.) written all over it is a "God Sighting".

God speaks to us through people, circumstances, events, His Word (the Bible), and His Holy Spirit's tuggings (that's His voice).

Yes. It is not easy to discern whether a voice is that of God, or of something else.

God's voice is always soothing, comforting, edifying, affirming, confirming, never accusatory and condemning.

Remember what Jesus said about this point: "My sheep hear my voice."

The more we learn to listen to God's voice and obey, the more clearly His voice comes to us.


Unknown said...

Hi Tom, excellent post, glad to see you in the blogging world

Dan Rutherford said...

Way to Go Tom - now many can enjoy your gift. Why not scan a few of those wonderful Chan paintings to add some color to your site too? WE love you and the work that Jesus does through you! Thank you for all that you do to show the Love Jesus to others - and us.

Dan Rutherford

beth mckenna neufeld said...

oh cool, Tom. Welcome to blogging world.

from beth